This is a signature of mine if you ever want a signature comment like this:
My signature:
If you want a signature comment like this:
Yes, this is very long, but I need you to be very specific.
Here is an example for the comments:
I would like a signature for my blog!
This is the name for the signature: PampersCruisers
My blog is:
I would like the color of the signature to be:brown
I want a type of font like: scary or puffy looking
Thank you!
I will put the URL's to the signatures down their so far no comments yet oh and for example
How to use the signature: When you are posting or making a page, there should be 2 tabs up that say "compose" and "HTML". Click on HTML, and at the waaaaaay bottom, or wherever you want the signature, paste the signature code. When you go back to compose, it will show your signature!